

Does your learner struggle to read? Has their school told you that your learner is behind in reading? Act now. Learners at any age can build their reading skills with the right type of instruction and practice. And, studies show that without the right type of instruction, learners are very unlikely to improve: 74% of the children who are poor readers in 3rd grade remain poor readers in the 9th grade. (International Dyslexia Foundation, n.d.)

Once students can read fluently, it is not uncommon that they begin to want to read, and that is a beautiful thing.

Grades 1 - 12

phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling

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Reading Programs


Is math homework causing a lot of stress for you and your learner? Is your child struggling to keep up with math in school including learning their math facts? Having gaps in basic foundational math skills has a snowball effect as new content is added to the math curriculum with the progression from grade to grade.

We can help. We offer math instruction that fills gaps while checking the application of these skills to more complex math tasks like those seen in the grade-level classroom. Students begin to see their progress session to session and week-to-week. This often looks like students who used to say they hate math saying that they are now great at math.

Grades 1-8

number sense, math facts, procedural fluency for simple and complex calculations, fluency in math concepts and vocabulary, pre-algebra, solving word problems with algebraic equations

Math Programs


Do writing assignments result in tears, frustration, and/or emotional meltdowns? There are fun ways that are backed by solid evidence to teach students to write without stress.

Composition fluency starts with succeeding in the basics of words, and builds into the construction of sentences and then paragraphs. This step-by-step method allows students to combine these skills more easily when it comes to writing longer compositions. Our individualized programs allow academic coaches to engage each learner in instruction and practice routines that relate to their interests and show them that they can write fluently.

Hand strength and endurance can be a significant barrier for many learners because it makes writing literally painful in that it hurts their hand. We have had success with so many learners in building these skills as well as building fluency with letter formation. Once these foundational skills are in place, we often hear that learners who hated writing are doing things like choosing to write a story with a sibling for fun or doing homework without any complaining or stress.

Grades 1 - 8

hand strength and endurance, letter formation, composing sentences, generating ideas for writing, organizing writing, composing paragraphs and essays, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling

Writing Programs (including Handwriting)